Tuesday, June 30, 2015

More Liver

YOLO! You only liver once. This week I'm adding liver into my regimen. Liver is high in bio-available necessary nutrients such as Vit Bs - esp B12, iron, folate, and Vit A which are particularly essential for healthy pregnancy and beyond. Liver has traditionally been heralded by all cultures for its many benefitsThere is, apparently, an as of yet undiscovered factor in liver that fights off fatigue.

 I spent three hours making liver "pills". Super easy. I obtained about 1 and a half lbs of bison liver and a pound of chicken livers from a local market (pastured/grassfed etc). However, only a few chicken livers were used because they were much softer and generally more difficult to cut up. I'll figure out something else to do with them...meatloaf? One thing I did do different from the "recipe" was soak the livers in lemon juice prior to using. This is recommended in the Nourishing Traditions cookbook before using livers, and I opted to apply that here. 

I will take a few of these daily. 

(so much liver...I was totally over it by the end)

I've resumed cod liver oil/fermented cod liver oil (FCLO for short) as well, which I take periodically anyway. 

Here's to liver! 


  1. Oh, my goodness. This is SUCH a coincidence. I did the same thing, about a month or two ago!!

    Did you freeze yours? That's what I did. Unfortunately, I cut the pieces too big. When I tried to swallow one, I literally thought I was going to die because I choked and couldn't swallow it. Not that it was that big, just that it's totally different swallowing something that's frozen. Scary. Now I cut up each into tiny pieces and swallow in a couple of batches.

    I bought mine online from Azure Standard. It was about... $10/lb, if I remember correctly. Not cheap, but it will last me a while.

    Now, if I could only REMEMBER TO TAKE THEM. :)


    1. Yes, I froze mine - three large jars of them! I think I'm set for a while. Haha! $10 seems like a lot! Mine were $5 a pound, but then again, it was from a local farm, so that probably helped.

      I keep forgetting to take mine too. :(

  2. Would dehydrating preserve the vitamins? you could grind the livers and make liver sticks, like slim jims, and they could be more available than in the freezer.

    1. Mordecai,
      Yes! I think you are spot on! But the question would be - would they taste good? ;) The benefit of the frozen is that they are flavorless and textureless - two things very beneficial to the sick pregnant woman (of course I am taking these preemptively). Thanks so much for reading, btw! We miss you guys and hope to see you soon!
