Edit: The results of this test are completely unreliable. For starters, the company was dishonest at the onset of the test. The test claims it analyzes the four saliva tubes throughout the day, but when it came to it, they only analyzed the morning test and threw the others out. Well, you can't very well have an accurate reading of hormone levels if they're not actually tested! I call false advertising and shenanigans on this company. Although I did still have all the symptoms of adrenal fatigue.
The results came in...late stage adrenal fatigue. The state where, after years and years of compounded stress on a weak adrenal system, my adrenals are just giving up. My dhea levels were extremely low. My cortisol levels and sex hormones, while within normal range, were also very low. In the early stage of afs, the adrenals produce high amounts of cortisol. But eventually they just can't anymore.
The top line is where I should be. The bottom line is where I am. Many people have a reverse graph, where they start really low and then get higher throughout the day. At least mine is going the right direction?
On the upside, it seems like a confirmation that this was the cause of my HG. It's also disappointing because it's worse than I thought. This will be harder and longer to recover from. Every corner I've turned just to find a big, fat sign blaring WAIT! Seems to be a theme. But I don't want to wait! I want to be better now! I want to be healed now! I want to be pregnant now! (Ha. How reflective of our culture, no?)
I'm taking an adrenal support right now. Not really sure what I do from here. I'm awaiting the micronutrient panel as well. Also not sure how to combine those results with these results. I'm just feeling a whole lot of unknown right now. Everything I've read says "lifestyle changes" and "dietary changes" - and I'm thinking What more could I possibly do?! It's not as though I can just stop mothering.
I'm nervous thinking about delving into healing those area because I know there will be a bazillion opinions out there ranging from insensitive to seemingly impossible. BUT I need to safeguard myself against self pity and helplessness, because that. won't. help.
In sticking with the theme of this blog, I did find one suggestion about finding ways to increase JOY everyday. That increasing joy naturaly raises dhea levels anyway. So let's bring on some joy in morning!!! (Which is one of the toughest times of day for me, oh man.)